Maple Alps

slow living

Our Favorite Low Waste Practices

LifestyleAmanda Walter | Maple Alps2 Comments

Four years ago, we started being more intentional about the waste we produced. I had realized our trash was way out of control - especially for a household of just two people. We didn’t even have a cat yet! I wrote about some easy ways to reduce waste, and we went for it. Today, I am sharing a few of our favorite low-waste products - the ones we use pretty much daily! Some may surprise you.

Our Favorite Low Waste Practices |

Bin For Groceries

We keep a collapsible lettuce crate we got from a Super Store in the back of our car for our groceries. It just works easier for us than remembering our reusable bags (which we also keep in the back of our car...). Since we shop ALDI a lot, it works great to keep the crate in the cart and have them put the groceries directly into it once scanned. We carry the crate to the car, into the house, empty it, and the crate goes right back into the car for the next time. And speaking of groceries, making more of our own pantry staples from scratch has cut down on a lot of packaging and really does not take much time!

For Our Food

Each week I meal prep and pack both of our lunches in reusable glass containers . I’ve also gotten reusable sandwich and snack bags which have replaced the disposable plastic bags. Doing this has cut down on costs too! We had a lot of mason jars left over from our wedding so I’ve been using jars to store food and such as well - that way we didn’t have to buy more containers! Packing our own lunches has also helped us make healthy food choice! Double win :)

Side note: using what you have already is a great way to be nearo waste! It’s called repurposing! 

Metal Straws

We.Love.Our.Straws. We use them all of the time. They come in a great case so we can transport them as well. We don’t order drinks when we eat out, and if we get water at a restaurant, we ask for no straw. Of course, life doesn’t always go perfectly and they may come with a straw already in it, but sometimes that happens. 

Water Bottle

We have been faithful to reusable water bottles for years. We prefer glass bottles, but have received some stainless steel ones as gifts that we really enjoy too! They are lighter and keep water cold (or hot) for long periods of time. Our water bottles come with us everywhere we go!

Feminine Hygiene

Whaaaa!!! The internet already knows that I use a menstrual cup, so no more shame here. It took years (literal.years) or research before I took the plunge and I’m kicking myself that I didn’t start sooner. For one, it has already paid for itself - actually it took less than a year. My two favorite things about it: no more overflowing trash can once a month, and I love love LOVE forgetting that I’m even on my period. I’m sorry for all of you who are blushing right now, but do yourself a favor and switch over to a menstrual cup if possible. I’ve only tried the Diva Cup so I can’t speak for any other brands (bonus that it is made in Canada), but there are so many options out there. Great for the environment and for your peace of mind. I wrote a whole post about the cup here, so check it out if you want more information!

DIY Handsoap

Gone are the days of buying those little .99 cent Walmart liquid hand soaps that didn’t smell that great anyway. I’ve been making my own hand soap for years now, and I don’t know if I will ever go back. This large container of Castile Soap lasts more than a year and refills all of the soap containers we have. We have four sinks, which means four soap containers that are constantly being filled. It’s fun to use essential oils to mix and match scents, or just go plain jane too. Whatever. Here is the recipe I use.

Instant Pot

Okay, this is a little strange to be adding to this kind of post, but hear me out! I’ve always been the kind of person who was interested in making meals ahead to eat later. I did it before I knew I could call it “meal prep” and it be a thing. My freezer was my best friend. Ever since getting an Instant Pot, though, I’ve been even more motivated than before! Now my prep time is cut in half and I can make a whole lot more food with a whole lot less mess. How does this help in my nearo waste endeavors? We eat out much less and cook from scratch a whole lot more. Granted, we want to stay in budget as well, but when cooking dinners at home are so easy, fun, and convenient, then it’s a great bonus. I’m hoping to add more Instant Pot recipes to the site soon!


We love books. Going completely paperless would be a no-go for us because we love books. But we also realize that we do not need to own every book we read. When I was living at home, you could find me at the library often. If I wasn’t at the library, I was at home or under a tree reading a book I got from the library. It never occurred to me that libraries were a great way to live sustainably and save money! So we got library cards. To more than one library! And to make it even better, we got the Libby app so we could rent from our phones and send the book straight to our kindles (and shoot, I still have an old one from 2012 that is still going strong!). Our reading volume has gone up, as have our book goals (mine is 24 for this year). 

We are always looking for new and easy ways to help the environment, so I doubt that this will be my last post about our favourite low-waste practices. The key is being stress-free about it, and implementing small changes as you go. By the way, Maple Alps now has an Amazon storefront that is always being updated with all of our favorite products, so check it out for more “nearo” waste fun!

Enjoy Each Moment: Practical Ways to Slow Down Today

LifestyleAmanda Walter | Maple Alps5 Comments

It is no news that we live in a fast-paced world. I, for one, feel most days that I am constantly running around trying to catch something - even though I’m not always sure what that something is. I know that I personally have to stop sometimes and consciously slow down. When I do, I remember that there really is no rush - as much as I often make myself believe. I mean, I have written on cultivating a slower and simpler life before, so it definitely is on my mind. Here are some ways that you can slow down today, and just be.

Enjoy Each Moment: Practical Ways to Slow Down Today |

Do Less

It is okay to say, “no” to things. It is perfectly fine to have less on your plate. There is no rule that says you have to be involved in everything at all times. Try to avoid filling your plate with activities and responsibilities that cause you stress and do not require your attention. Take time to sit and breathe. Just, do less.

Be Present

Give the attention to loved ones that they deserve. Put devices away (turn off those notifications too!) and spend quality time with others. Be there to listen, really listen, and ask questions. Be aware of yourself; your breathing, your bones. Don’t dwell in the past. Be, present.

Related: How to Cultivate a Slower and Simpler Life

One Task at a Time

Avoid multitasking (since it’s been proven a myth anyway) and give your all to a single task at a time. You may find that you finish tasks quicker and more efficiently this way, which will give you another bout of contented feelings.


I mentioned this already, but don’t be afraid to put your devices away for some time. Be conscious about taking space away from the world you keep in your pocket. Our phones and computers connect us to so much, but it’s good to take some time away from that.

Be in Nature

Being in nature is such a great way to slow down and enjoy some peace. I personally love being near water and listening to it in all forms - waves on a shore, pounding from a waterfall, rushing name it. You may prefer being in the woods listening to the trees sway and hearing their occupants singing songs. I know people who love the desert. Whatever your preference, take some time in nature, taking in the wondrous sights and sounds.

Practice Gratitude

Be conscious of the things you are grateful for every day - not just once a year on Thanksgiving. The more you practice gratitude, the more natural it will become, and the more content you will feel.

Eat Slower

Oh, eating slow. It seems as though our culture often makes us rush everything, including the time we take to nourish and rest ourselves. I have often thought to myself, “oh, if only I didn’t need to eat - I could accomplish so much!” Resist the temptation, however, to rush your eating. Not only will your stomach thank you, you will enjoy food that much more. Take the time to enjoy the scents and flavours of your meals. Enjoy those you share your meal with. 

Related: Gathering with Intention and Simplicity

Drive Slower

This may sound like a weird one, but I find that when I drive slower (by slower, I mean not speeding, ahem), I feel so great! Hear me out - I did it once and felt amazing and so I’ve been testing it often. And lo and behold - I feel more relaxed behind the wheel. I feel more alert of what’s around me (I do try to avoid accidents when I can). I enjoy the scenery and appreciate different me. Try it. Your slow life will thank you.

Focus on Others

I believe that we were created for relationships. When we take the focus off ourselves and focus on others and meeting their needs, a wonderful phenomenon happens. We feel happy and content and joyful. I’m not talking about neglecting your needs, however; we can’t help others when we are lacking. See what happens when you consciously focus on doing something (even something small) for someone else. You might forget that you weren’t feeling so great.


Our lungs do amazing things for our bodies. The oxygen we take in is required for our bodies to function. Afterall, we can’t live long without air in comparison to even food and water! If you are feeling stressed, take some time to take a few deep breaths. If you can’t sleep, breathe deeply. Take time to breathe consciously.

Take Time to Pray

Praying and meditating on Scripture does wonders for the slow life. I personally like doing it early in the morning to set the tone in my day, but you can take time whenever you like.

How do you take time to slow down every day?


Can I Become a Morning Person? (Ask Amanda)

Ask Amanda, BlogAmanda Walter | Maple Alps1 Comment
Ask Amanda: Becoming a Morning Person |

Question: Help! How can I become a morning person? Do you have any tips?



If you have been following Maple Alps for a while both here and on Instagram, you know that I am a morning person. So many of you have asked this question in the Ask Amanda, that I figured I’d best get onto answering it!

A little bit of background before I go into this: I was not always a morning person. In fact, I hated getting up in the mornings because I was not getting enough sleep. I would stay up all hours of the night with thoughts running through my mind on full speed. As a result, my sleep was not restful, and mornings were a drag. I could sleep in for hours if allowed to. I could even sleep through the most dramatic of situations and fall asleep anywhere.

It wasn’t until I was forced to unplug from everything that I finally trained my body to wake up early. Now, I know that sleep is a pretty complicated thing and not everyone is designed to be a “morning person” but here are some things that helped me get a handle on waking up earlier and more refreshed on a regular basis.

Create Routines around Bedtime and Waking Up

Having evening and morning routines can trick your body in profound ways. Waking up at the same time - even during vacations and on the weekend can help! I read somewhere that even if you went to bed late the night before, you should wake up early the next day. I’ve been doing this for years and find that I’m greatly productive in the mornings - especially on the weekend because I’m less stressed about my usual schedule. Eventually, like me, you won’t even bother setting your alarm anymore because your internal clock knows what’s up!

Do Something Positive or Productive

I like to start my day out spending time with Jesus. It sets the tone for my day and helps me be productive later. Once I’ve spent some time meditating on the Word and noting what I’m grateful for, and journaling and praying, I feel more ready to take on my day. In fact, once I started doing this, I began getting up even earlier because I wanted more uninterrupted time to do it. 

Make Your Sleeping Area Your Haven for Relaxation

My parents always told me that I shouldn’t study or read or work in my bed so that my brain would associate my bed with sleep. They must have been talking to some experts about the insomnia I was suffering from. Turns out they were pretty much right (okay, okay, see parents?). While I am guilty of even typing out this post from my bed right now, I have experienced the benefits of making sure my bedroom is a haven for relaxation. Making your room cozy and having your brain associate it with relaxation will make for better sleep. 

Sleep When You’re Tired

Listen to your body at night when it tells you it’s tired and go to bed. If you wait too long, you won’t be tired anymore. Kind of like when you take Melatonin and stay awake too long and force your body up and it’s not effective anymore. No one else? Just me? Okay. 

Try a Smart Alarm

I’ve had little success with smart alarms - alarms that wake you up during a specific frame of your sleep cycle rather than at a specific time of the day - but I know others who have. Doesn’t hurt to try it and see if it wakes you up feeling more refreshed than usual! I’ve also heard of alarms that wake you up with light

Get Up and Out

When that alarm goes off, get up and out of your room ASAP. Go grab a drink of water or take a shower or exercise, but since your brain is going to be associating your warm bed with sleep now, you have to tell it that it’s time to get moving! 

Don’t Stress

Life happens. Don’t stress when you can’t sleep when you want to. From experience, it keeps you up even longer. Don’t stress when you sleep a little later than you wanted to. Even if it makes you late. Life happens, and taking it in stride will make you happier and healthier.



How do you make early mornings more desirable?


If you have a question, feel free to leave one below for a future segment of "Ask Amanda!"


How to Cultivate a Slower and Simpler Life

LifestyleAmanda Walter | Maple Alps10 Comments
How to Cultivate a Slower and Simpler Life |

Start waking up a little earlier

Wake up a little earlier to establish some good morning routines. It will slow down your morning and you will be able to face the day with renewed energy. Starting earlier will give you more time to breathe and brace yourself for the day - and with time for a hot drink as an added bonus! Waking up earlier and facing the day with purpose as opposed to letting it just happen to you will help you take control of the tone you set! Trust me.

Related: Tips for Starting Your Morning Right

Cultivate the love of homemade goodies

Taking time to gift homemade goodies for your family, friends, and neighbours brings back that community feel that I think our society has lost to some extent. Take time to get to know your neighbours and bring them homemade gifts. This can be as simple as a loaf of bread or a jar of homemade granola or jam to let them know you’re thinking of them. Go the extra mile and package it in an attractive manner that will show that you put thought into it. The process of making these goodies in itself is a good way to relax and pour your heart into something for someone else.

Related: An Aspiring Minimalist’s Guide to Gifts

Make time for family and friends

Spend time with your family. With the exception of your spouse, you don’t generally get to choose your family members, so you should cherish them that much more. It doesn’t have to be elaborate - just eating dinner together can make a huge difference in the culture of your family unit. Once in a while, extend your circle and invite some people over to join you and your family. Building relationships around the dinner table is so special.

Related: Gathering with Intention and Simplicity

Consider getting a pet, or two

Having a fur baby to love is a great thing! Having an animal companion to care for and have as company helps you slow down and think about something other than yourself. Dogs are great to walk, and [some] cats are great lap companions. There are also all sorts of pets out there. Pets aren’t for everyone though. If you’re not into pets, or allergic, you can start with a pet rock! I’m mostly kidding.

Take up a slow hobby

Take some time to be creative and pick up a slow hobby. This could be anything from gardening to crocheting. Maybe you want to pick a pen pal or start a card ministry. You could even paint or build model ships - whatever your sweet, simple life loving heart desires!

How to Cultivate a Slower and Simpler Life |

Read more

Like with hobbies, stopping to read is a wonderful way to not only slow down, but to learn about the world in the process. Set some time aside to get comfortable with good lighting and a hot drink to accompany your book. By the way, you can find a few of my favorite books here! Try reading all sorts of things and you might even find some new interests!

Related: Fun and Creative Ways to Learn New Things (Without Going Back to School)

Add Houseplants to your Home

House plants are so great. They add life to your living space, help keep your air pure, and reduce stress! Not to mention that they are super pretty and make you feel fancy. Consider finding the perfect house plant for your home!

Related: 6 Reasons to Add Greenery to Your Life

Go For Walks

Taking some time to just go outside and breathe in the fresh air. You don’t have to go for hours at a time - even just 15 to 30 minutes of walking outside will recharge and energize you. For a bonus, bring a friend or family member with you and use that time to talk and bond. Relationship building is always important.

Be Intentional about your Phone Usage

A lot of us are letting our phones rule our lives, instead of using them as tools. Consider making a phone free zone or implementing rules to make your usage more intentional. Start practicing not to rely on your phone as much.

Related: 5 Ways to be Intentional About Your Phone Usage

Learn to Love Tidying

Keeping a neat and tidy space allows you more time to enjoy and slow down rather than trying to keep up with keeping your home clean. Consider adapting more of a minimalist lifestyle and surround yourself with that things that bring you joy.

Related: So You Want to be More Minimalistic

Be Content with What You Have

Surrounding yourself with only the things that bring you joy helps you to be content with those said items. Loving your things helps you care for them! I know it sounds strange, but I challenge you to try it for yourself!

Related: Why I God Rid of a Lot of My “Stuff”


How do you practice living a slower and simpler life?


My Evening Routine

LifestyleAmanda Walter | Maple Alps1 Comment

Earlier this year, I shared some tips for a great morning routines, and as you guessed it, I'm here again to talk about more! This time, I'm just going to share my evening routine. 

There is something about a morning/evening routine that makes one feel accomplished and at peace. It also adds the structure that I need.

Tips for a great evening routine |

Tidy Up

This is honestly just so that my morning will go much smoother. I don't think that tripping over articles and coming out to a sink brimming with dishes is the best start to a day, do you? Making sure the kitchen is cleaned and that everything is off the floor is the absolute least I can do to help my morning go well.

Get Ready for the Next Day

Not only does this also contribute to a smooth day, it helps me think about what I will need, and kind of acts as closure for the day's events. I like to pack my lunch for the next day, and even my bag gets packed and gets put by the door. I even choose and set out my outfit. This prevents me from running around in the morning (and waking up my husband!) while looking for the items I need. Although, I forgot my socks this morning and had to sneak back into our bedroom to get a pair. Oops!

Look At To-Do List

I don't know about you, but if I don't look at my to-do list before bed, I wake up (often in the middle of the night) stressed out about what is or what isn't on that list. Looking at it gives me a sort of game plan for the next day and I feel more at ease and in control. Even if the next day does not go as planned, it's alright because I already got the sleep I needed the night before!

Turn Off Electronics

I try to turn off my electronics an hour before I actually sleep. It helps me wind down, and gives me a really good excuse to takle the books and magazines stacked on my nightside table. Honestly, besides the whole electronic screen keeps you awake thing, it's nice to not have time disappear because I was mindlessly scrolling on my phone. I like to keep my phone out of my bedroom. 

Related: What Happened When I Created a Phone-Free Zone

The Basics

Obviously, I brush my teeth, floss, and wash my face! A warm shower helps me sleep, and I cannot go to sleep without getting the day off my skin! Just thinking about everything that gets on me during my day grosses me out, and making sure I get it all off puts my mind at ease (and makes my skin happy).


I like to end the day the same way I start it out - in conversation with God! I love to fall asleep in Jesus’ arms.

Related: 7 Ways to Increase Your Prayer Life



What is your favourite part of your evening routine?